Wavelet Shrinkage

Consider the problem of denoising an unknown time signal s, from a set of samples

x=  si + ni,

corrupted by a zero mean white Gaussian noise ni (i = 1,…,N).  Let W denote a N by N orthonormal wavelet transformation matrix.  In the wavelet domain, the above equation can be expressed as

Xi = Si + Ni, or, X = S + N

with X = Wx, S = Ws, and N = Wn [5], [3].

Wavelet-domain filtering produces wavelet shrinkage estimates.  That is, certain wavelet coefficients are reduced to zero.  It has been shown that for a smooth function with additive Gaussian white noise of a specific energy level in a particular space of functions, there exists a theoretical threshold that completely removed the noise and successfully reproduced the original smooth function [6].  In general, the filter

H = diag[h(1), h(2),…,h(N)],

produces the signal estimate


Thresholding is one method of filtering.